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Calderin de membrana pressure wave peb 24lx

45,84 € /unidade
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Calderin de membrana pressure wave peb 24lx

Connection of entrance patented in stainless steel with sealed unico air/waters for a total estanqueidad exenta of maintenance. Layer of revestimiento internal in polipropileno virgin anticorrosivo.Membrane hermetica no porous in butyl of high degree to guarantee the nonexistence of stray of air and reinforced in the zones of greater wear.This membrane remains subject to the wall of the deposit by means of a ring of steel to avoid hits of and risk of perforacion.All the internal parts estan rounded.Valvula Of air in laton sealed by means of laton.External coating with basic layer of epoxi and finishing in painting of polyurethane.Certificates fda,ce/ped and wras.Temperature maxima 90ºc.Presion Of precarga 1,9 bar.Free of maintenance. 5 Years of garantia.
Espa Lowara Saci Grundfos Ebara Idegis Psh Pentax Astral irrigação Bomba Piscina jardinagem bem pressão
ID Produto: 3367300 | Referência: 43140 | Vendido por: Antonio Lora González
Data de publicação do produto 12/10/2015 - Modificado pelo vendedor 17/10/2023
Antonio Lora González
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